Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Ordinary....

Driving in slightly drizzled afternoon, (which by now, as I'm sitting in my living room, is already raining heavily) my seemingly smooth journey is somewhat slowed down by many stops at the many traffic lights. Well, nothing new, but I've been a good driver just now; otherwise... psstt... come closer lemme tell you a secret, I selalu beat the red light tau!
Noti kan? 

Fancy every amber light I see, the same image comes to my mind...

...and makes me hungry. Psstt again...I have not eaten anything since breakfast this morning...hikhikhik!

I'm seeing and thinking of telur mata lembu.... on a plate of piping hot rice, douse with kicap k*pas udang. One poke at the mata, the lovely gooey runny yolk oozing like lava is to die for!

Ordinary meal, you might say.

It's ordinary alright but miracle indeed for me! ;-)

pssstt... Don't think you want to know this, but for lunch I already made rendang dinding. Some I have given to a friend who is leaving for Mesir in two day's time and some for my early dinner tonight. Still no telur mata lembu... er...mata lembu ke mata kerbau? Aduh, lapar... gotta go now!


CS said...

Why is it called rendang dinding. Tak sama dgn dendeng ke?

Lili said...


Lebih kurang sama...cuma di Perak kami sebut rendang dinding or sambal daging.

Yang bezanya, version Perak basah-basah. Dendeng versi Minang tu agak kering. Cer tanya Mama KZ...hehe...

Kalo ikut betul2 masakan ni tak guna cili kering...semua cili hidup, tapi I menderhaka... hahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

i thought dindeng is thin sliced meat? haha kicap kipas udang and mata lembu was one way my mum succeeded to make me makan nasi.

Lili said...


Dendeng the minang version is really the thin sliced meat. Mine is entirely different. Like I described it to CS, rendang dinding is one of Perak's signature dishes. And it is marvelous! I mean I can snack on it any time....hehehe!

I'm trying to cut down on my eggs intake lah. Saya 'hantu' telur!! ;D

kak ja said...

U hantu teloq, Lili? Yg I tau, hantu raya yg suka mkn teloq, kan?

Cuba u masak lbh2 skit rendang dinding u tu, antaq kat kami2 nih.. Biaq kami rasa jd tak payah tanya bnyk2 kat u lagi.. penat u nak jwb kimeng nnt..

Lili said...


Tadi I pi kenduri dapat teloq dalam goodie bag tu, tersangat happy nye! Petang tadi jugak I ngap 2 viji! ngeh18X...

Hasrat hati nak buat lagi satu round lepas balik dari KL nanti. (I turun Monday ni) Tapikan tapi DHW klabhaus kita very the sunyi...takut pi antaq nanti takde sape... :))