Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Mee Kasar"!!!

Another title of betul-betul tak boleh blah!  Sorry ye, kena tukar nama brand tu sikit...bagi ada bunyinya aje. Yalah, these days, bila orang google for so and so, selalu gak terbabas ke blog sunyi I ni! Bukan tak suka tapi I kan ke femalu... hikhik! Bunyi jer gah blog ni, nanti dah masuk harus ada yang menyesal.
Bear with me, ye.... 

Amacam? Dah cer teka ke I pergi mana semalam? From the comments, 'kimeng' Ja yang rasa-rasanya boleh menang best 'buat cerita' award! walaupong kan you dah tahu I pi mana semalam...

Anyway, yesterday was the girls' day out for the four of us -  my friends kak T, Sha and Ros, and of course, yours truly. We were traveling to a crockery plant in K*lim to have a 'sneak peek' at the items that will go on sale very soon. Kak T is a regular at this 'made in Malaysia but not for sale in Malaysia' tableware and what-not. She was informed earlier in the week by the outlet manager to view some of the first grade items. How excited we were when she chose the three of us to accompany her!  My visits to this plant is not as often as kak T does. I come during sales and itu pong boleh terlepas a few.

Actually, I ni takut-takut verani nak tayang gambar-gambar yang dah ambil semalam. Yalah, dah la terpampang sign "no camera'. Moreover the showroom manager is one temperamental lady with an acid tongue. She gets so testy easily and snaps at anyone - even the customers. But she is very different with kak T. Hmmm....tang ni I ada sikit musykil....apsal dia tak verani dengan kak T....  Tapikan tapi, according to kak T, pompuan tu pernah kena warning dari orang atas, sebab dapat banyak komplen daripada customers yang dia ni sombong, moody dan suka bentak-bentak. Kesian ler pulok, kan? 

But I digress.

Okay, no more storylah.... let's just enjoy the show! La la la la la la.... oohh, I want my money back!

A*na Griff*n by L*nox

 Am eyeing for this "mee kasar" platter.... I already imagined
a whole roast leg of lamb on it!
Pray it'll go for 'buy one free one'... hikhik!

 If this is your pick or the one below, try buying the reject pieces...
sold normally under a huge tent outside the godown.
It'll cost you half of the original price!


 Assorted bowls of exquisite designs....
hmm..I'll pass

The ones with yellow tag will be 10% less
These are the first grade Meekasar! 

Want to know what I bought?
Tunggu.... to be continued

 Bye for now....nak boom boom dah... nite nite puppy everybody! ;-)


Sizuka said...

oh my! really nice "mee kasar".. nangis la I jap lagi kat gym.. :(

Lili said...


Not only nice but cheap, cheap, cheap!

Meh, k.Lili teman Shidah nangis... hehe!

CS said...

My word verif. is whili :-)

Before apa2, perlulah I ketok kepala sendiwi sbb I blur tahap Mr Bean. Smlm I baca 'mee kasar', memanglah I thot it was MEE KUNING TU, har3.. Baru kejap nih barulah I ferasan that it was Mikasa ... hadoi.. *sambil pap dahi 18x*

Lili said...

Word verif. yang 'noti'! Hehheh

Sedap jugak pap dahi 18x. Cuba pap 46x, ada beriani, bariani, briani?

I say man, cik som dah sebut betul-betul 'mee kasar' tu... muehheheheheheh!

3yearshousewife said...

Kl I gi tempat pinggan mangkuk ni mau senyum sampai telinga.
Terdengar2 my hubby ' brp byk lagi pinggan mangkuk nak beli nih?' hehehe....

kak ja said...

Baca n3 u ni n tgok gambaq2nya, menaikkan semangat Tun TeJA I utk bawak kuaq set Mikasa I n pakai buat basahan kat umah..

Tak sabaq nak tidoq, nak bangun awai esok, projek Mikasa!!

*Gaji u terlbh plak ke Lili? sampai tolak harga makan pagi tu masih ada baki, boleh bawak balik pinggan mangkuk lagi.. Mamak tu plak yg xdak duit nak bayaq kat u, terpaksa bg pinggan free..

Lili said...


Hehe! What are we ladies if not shopping for home wares, kan?

Untung you dah hangkut banyak masa kat uk dulu. Er, ye ke As, or you masih berkirim beli lagi dgn ur hubby? Hahaha!

Lili said...


Mula-mula I nak gelak dulu: huahuahuahua)))) Kasi bergema sikit.

Ja, you patut guna lama dulu bukan baru sat-sat nak bawak keluaq. Semangat Tun Teja you tak kemana pong...mesti you dok pelasah melamine hat you hangkut dari Langkawi tu jugak! Betui ka cik Ja beli kat Langkawi? hohoho!

*Mamak nasi kandaq mintak tolong I dapat discounted price from M*kasa tu, tu yang dia kasi I gaji lebih. Next time kalo makan kat kedai dia harus nasi kandaq letak dlm M*kasa macam makan kat Amandari...*

Lili said...
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Lili said...

Cik Ladybird,

*hehe...ingat sape tadi panggil Ateh!

Seblom Ateh balas komen, nak pesan ni: Jangan silentkan fon tu! :))

Mirah, Ateh pakai collection tu. Yg bunga2 tu kira baru lagi...cantik! Mug dia lagi ler nampak klasik, tapi takde stock masa pergi baru2 ni. Syy...jangan bitaw 'you-know-who' tu, Ateh pi dgn Auntie Ton!
Ateh dah tanya Wan Cu kalau2 dia nak, boleh Ateh belikan. Tapi masa sale nanti AG tu is at normal price.