Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Best Bet!

It rained a short while ago, and, when I'm sitting down to write this piece, the sun shines bright as can be. I feel hungry suddenly, as I watch hubby digging in the food he should be taking at lunch. If he's eating at this hour, it can only mean we will be going to have dinner separately. I have already set in my head for a no-rice dinner. I bet hubby will not be having anything at all this evening. 

This is Us. I have lost count of the last time we sat together and had dinner or lunch quietly. I like my meals hot and eat them immediately after I'm done cleaning up the kitchen and freshen up myself. It depends sometimes. If my meals are the simplest ever, say, rice and a dish of omelette, stir-fry vege and sambal tumis...or anything that I could fix in a jiffy, and can still look chic (bueeekk!) in my you-know-what-favourite-attire-of-mine at home, or outside (begs for another round of 'bueeekk'!), then I'm good to settle for my lunch. And, as I said earlier, I tend to enjoy my meals a lot without him, that it may seem and sound weird when we sat together. I'm so used of not having him around that I am least offended when people start asking me why I am always attending kenduris without him...
His work is very demanding that having our meals or going places separately has become the norm in our lives. Sometimes the idea of meeting him half-way for an impromptu lunch outside, thrills me to no ends!  As much as like it to be, we try to spend time by having breakfast every weekend to anywhere I desire. Decision-wise, I think I have the say...haha! Now I see the truth in what marriage is all about. They say, marriage is like running an army camp. The husband is always the GENERAL while the wife, MAJOR. Thus, when it comes to making decisions, the husband makes the general decisions while the wife makes the major ones... hikhikhik! To that, I can never thank him more!

I don't know why I should be writing about this anyway. It started with his late lunch when I'm already sipping tea and nibbling reluctantly on a piece of Big A*ple doughnut at a stipulated hour called tea-time! 

It just dawned upon me that the space he's given me is vast, and when not filled accordingly, leaves a vacuum so depressingly within. Too vast that I know, it is my bad bet instead of the best. Still, I'm not complaining. As long as I have my way.... ;)
And as long mind!

Note: This posting is delayed due to heavy rain again with thunder and lightning and all... you get me, heh? :D


Ibu n Abah said...

kita serupa...
bila dah masak..sedap makan panas-panas...
kadang2 tu pernah jadi i sedang menikmati hidangan, pakwe i balik.. sebaik dengar bungi pintu pagar terbuka... i terus sorok yg i dah makan... pura2 hidang... dan ajak pakwe makan.. ( tapi dah tak enjoy sebab kita dah separuh kenyang....)

Anonymous said...

most times we just have to sesuaikan keadaan, don't we?

i thought i'm well read but that army analogy is something new to me. funny ain't it? tak pun ketawa je lah

ps. i budak baru naik, why the delay due to heavy rain? :}

Dinas Aldi said...

Thank you for coming to my blog, salam kenal :)

CS said...

In a way kita serupalah beb. On several occasions, more than 100 kalau ikut paling extremelah, I go anywhere without TB tagging along. And I am used to it.

Maka kalau orang tanya apa rahsia bertahan kawin lama, I would say selain Allah mengizinkannya, kita janganlah expect too much from our partner.

Sekian pendapat dari Mek Thom, hehe..

Lili said...


Kadang2 bila dah terlalu lama keadaan macam tu, kita rasa selesa dah.

Next time kan Akak..buat date dgn TL jumpa lunch kat tau! ;)

Lili said...


Well..after some time I don't think fitting in the 'keadaan' works. Hahaha! But I'm okay...still holding on. ;)

Oh about that joke of generals and majors...I heard them numerous times at weddings! It was hilarious, the first time round and even hilarious when a big-shot pointed it out!

*When it rains and lightning too, the modem has to be switch off lest it gets strike. Me...takut takut berani! Hehee

Lili said...

Salam Dinas,

I found your blog through LG's, and when I saw your caption and the photo accompanying, I thought I must check...and I wasn't disappointed. Puddles make me happy!

And thank you for this return visit.

Lili said...


Betul tu. I'm okay with this arrangement sampai dah terbiasa, bila dengar dia nak makan sekali for dinner, I jadi kekok! Hahaha))

I'm with you again..bab bertahan lama tu. I'm not demanding and he lets me do as I please. Tapi I ni jenis merap kat rumah, so nothing much he worries about!

Signed: LLOL in solitude. ;)


boleh dikatakan dalam family hubby tak terdidik nak makan sama.. bila i ajak "makan dulula.." so kalau tetiba dia cakap jom makan sama..mesti i cakap " buang tebiat ke?" kiki

Yat Maria said...

K. Lili

"They say, marriage is like running an army camp. The husband is always the GENERAL while the wife, MAJOR. Thus, when it comes to making decisions, the husband makes the general decisions while the wife makes the major ones"

I second that TOTALLY! ;-)

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Lili,
Bab-bab rumahtangga ni kita tatau, Angelina kan ada 3 tunang tapi ntah bila nak kawin. Malas nak commit. Tapi Mama and Dad suka buat banyak benda sama-sama..... makan, cuci rumah, basuh kereta, mandikan kucing etc etc etc...(shhh...takleh citer byk sgt!). Dahlah partner kat rumah, kat office pun sama. purrr....meow!

wahida said...

salam kenal...

singgah dari blog dinas aldi...

follow sini terus...

zarin said...

kak lili
kami berdua masih berdua duaan makan di meja kecik kat dapuq awww! romantic tak kami? hahaha bluekk kan!
but i still miss those times when he wud call me to meet up for lunch w him somewhere somewhre. now ni mana ada dah sebab dia kan works from home..itu pasal lah buleh makan berdua kat rumah ;-))

Lili said...

Salam Puan Mama,

Haha rupanya ramai jugak ada suami payah nak diajak makan sekali! Dari kecil I dah terbiasa makan sama-sama satu famili at every meal. Tak kira riuh dan seronoknya!

Thanks for dropping by. ;)

Lili said...


Best kan? Now, tell me how do the no-rank soldiers in your household react to your MAJOR decisions? Hahahaha))) Sometimes, it's just back to square one. :D

Lili said...


Alaa...this makes me jealous-lah! My hubby would like so much to do things together, but his busy schedule states otherwise. And besides that, I am the one who refuse to stick around him a lot! Rimas arrr...ekekekeke!!

Lili said...

Salam Wahida,

Terima kasih singgah and follow. It's so nice to have new friends dropping by and say hello. Baru bersemangat nak menulis...hahahaha!! ;)

Lili said...


Hamboi...romantika d'amor ni...jeles 2 minit! Harus rajin memasak ni dah tentu ada darling nak makan sepinggan! And I know you rajin masak, babe.
Lain kan bila jumpa kat luar for lunch or dinner, padahal orang sama gak!

Tiga empat hari ni, my hubby pun works from the house. He opted to do so because his swollen leg recurs. Yang peliknya, bila dia ada kat umah, I jadi malas masak. How come? hehehe

3yearshousewife said...


I so very much like the General and Major idea...

Lili said...


When I heard it for the first time, I forget my manners...and it was very formal reception with the Royal entourage as guest in honour. But guess what? They too laughed their heads off!