Sunday, August 22, 2010

When the Said Is Not In the Done!

 When you've been cooking for too long, there comes a time at one point of your life, you feel like 'quitting'! But there's no way you could possibly think of wiping your hands and walk away... ha ha ha!

As usual, I slept after Subuh but later to wake up feeling all lost and lonely suddenly, yesterday. After my mid-morning prayer, I still couldn't ward off that 'funny' feeling within me. I knew I must be a bit tired. No. I was very tired indeed! So, out of the blue, I declared to free myself from doing housework and cooking. Altogether. Yeah!

At 5pm yesterday, I saw myself at a mini-market nearby my house.... and.... by seven, everything was ready for our iftar:

... the simmering gravy...

who needs the mamak stall when 
I know I make good mee kuah!
...the last minute concoction,
and always with love...  ahaks!

 ...kasi close-up lagik! hikhik
(click to enlarge...aha!)
.... my messy plate of mee kuah...
bukan mee rebus tau...tapi takut mee kembang, 
buat style mee rebus juga. Masa makan baru 
assemble all ingredients lepas tu curah kuah kat atas.
Okaylah, let's name it Mee kuah cheating! :))

Well, this is ME after all... things I said are not always the things I do. It is in me that has ingrained through years of minding my life, even. I'm glad, I've chosen the right profession! Yabadabadooo!


kak ja said...

Yubadubadoo!! Wan Ja menang temfat fertama!!

Hadiah temfat fertama, Mee kuah cheating sefinggan kan? kan kan kan?

Wan Lili, I pun sama mcm u, kekdg tu rasa mcm tanak sentuh walau satu benda pun kat dapoq tu, tp end-up ada jugak hasil air tangan kat atas meja bila sampai masanya nnt!!

Lili said...

Yippieyayeahh! Berkat nama 'tambahan' you! Hahaha!


Betui tu... I ni bukan apa, bila pikir nak beli je, dan dan tu rasa masak sendiwi lagi beshhh... walaupun hanya telur goreng mata kobau!

Perasan tak kat mana cheatingnya mee kuah I? Teka! :))

Ibu n Abah said...

wan ja dapat nombol satu...
wan mah dapat nombor dowa..
where is wan som????
wan lili...
mee you memang nampak sedap daripada mee gor sam sot i...
i jelezzzzzzzz.......

CS said...

Since I am the senior one though tak mengaku lagi 'the most senior' maka perlulah I buat contoh teladan yang terpuji, kekdahnya, harharhar.

Apakah contoh terpuji itew?? Yaaaa, tepat sekali. I duk dendiam aje tiap kali I HIT carta pertama. Sentiasa cool jer sambil tersenyom girang.

Word verif: cryers

Lili said...


Kan I dah cakap, mee kuah masak with love! hehe!

Semalam, ada lebih sikit aje lagi kuahnya yg saya simpan dalam fridge. Lepas tarawih saya leburkan dlm kuali mee yg hanya segenggam dan taugeh sikit bersama air panas... campurkan kuah mee dan sawi, pecahkan telur dan hasilnya lebih baik dari yg kelmarin.

Mah, kalau tak nak jeles, masaklah with love! Muahaha!

Lili said...


I'm amazed with your credibility! Sikit lagi you boleh jadi celebrity sebab celebrity kalau hit number 'wan' dia selalu cool! Eh, betul ke? Hikhik!

Well, no woman no cry! 'CRYERS'!!!

Sizuka said...

alamak k.lili!! meleleh2 air liur i tengok the mee kuah. sedapnya!!! share the recipe pls! i love mee kuah! :D

Lili said...


Belum berbuka, tengok apa pun nak meleleh air liur, ye tak! Hehe!

Nanti kak Lili bagi recipenya. Kak Lili ni memasak ikut 'rasa tangan'.. main capai jer apa yg rasa ok for my cooking. So, kena pikir balik what I put into the kuah! Wakaka!