Monday, August 16, 2010

The Tide Is High....

..... but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number wan one!

Oops! Oh, no...that's  Blondie's song... hehe!

On my way back home from the island yesterday, I was caught in one of those hot but windy days. I got a bit sea-sick when the ferry we were travelling in rocked with the high waves. But it wasn't choppy enough to render me vomiting!

As I passed the coastal road leading to my house, I just had to stop to take some of these pictures below:

  ....the tide's in...

... and out!

Oh, I just love the sea! Even if it means at 4 in the afternoon!


CS said...

I love the sea too even if it means I have to skodeng the pics here...

Word verif. is irthi = iri hati? hihihi..

p/s: Daa.. baru nak mandi dan hari ke6 barulah I nak pi siasat apa ada kat bazar Ramadhan tu. I baik kan?

Ibu n Abah said...

Wan som...
jenoh i kesana kemari dapat nombor dowa...
wan lili...
seronoknya naik ferry goyang-goyang gitu....

Mama said...

Salam Lili

Bertuah sesiapa yg tinggal di 'Island'... tiap hari dpt tengok laut yg mmg menenangkan...jeles I. The pictures are just beautiful

Lili said...

Yeah, CS...we love what we loved, and of all the things under the sun, it has to be the sea!

Lili said...

Naik ferry goyang-goyang memang seronok, Mah... sebab tu aje caranya nak bergoyang inul!! :))

Lili said...

Salam KZ,

Kan? Hari-hari nampak laut, nampak island, yg di Island nampak mainland, nampak bridge!

Unknown said... know, I always of the opinion that those who have houses by the sea are among the luckier, included..:) but I always have a soft spot for Penang and the region..cheers..

Lili said...

Salam Pakmat...

Goodness, we're lucky people! :)