Friday, October 8, 2010

Please excuse me while I cry...What, again?

I declare myself "cengeng"! I cry easily at anything happy or sad. Usually, the sad part wring most tears out of me! But I seldom cry something about me... I cry for others. Take for instance, this morning... as I was 'blog-hopping', and reading Andrea Whatever's posting about her father's demise, my whole body shook, and tears just flow freely. I hate that, you know...the crying.

Sometimes, when I am sad, I try not to play along with my sentiments. But then there is always something, somewhere out there that I'd encounter that render the cengeng-ness in me.

And.... I am sad right now, and writing this is just an excuse for me to :'(


CS said...

"choto matey kudasai, pls excuse me while I cry" .. or so I thot those Japanese words sound, hehe.

Kadang2 kita terasa nak nangis tapi sebab musababnya belum pasti (initiated by hormone); until something somewhere touches our heart (or dengar lagu2 sentimental); maka barulah syok nangis kow2 punya. Ilah nih..

Ambiklah tisu nih untuk mengesat airmatamu :-) (jgn guna lengan baju, masin kang baju tu, hehe).

littlebrickman / Ketam Bulan said...


Ada ketika tetiba terasa goose bump dan mata mula berkaca.
Maka saya sapukannya.
Lalu bertanya pada yang empunya.

"Palsukah air mata ini? Saksikanlah."

Perlukah bukti untuk katakan ia datang dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam?

Lili said...


On days like this, I'm so grateful I have friends like you to make me laugh again. Really, you made my day!

Thanks for the tissue...hikhik! ;)

Lili said...

Salam littlebrickman/Ketam Bulan!

Another 'ketam'? Hihi!

Salam sekali lagi. Kali ini, words fail me... you've said it all.

Terima kasih :)

Unknown said... weep is to make less the depth of grief..shakespeare

Lili said...

Pakmat, as always, you just know the right words... and, this is comforting coming from you from Shakespeare! :)

kak ja said...

I pun jenis mudah sebak, tpkan tapi.. ketegaq plus ego punya pasai, ayaq mata I punyalah mahal.. Nak jatuh setitik pun, mcm nak boleh keluaq ketoi berlian.. Itu skg, tp dolu2... hmmm..

Lili said...


Cepat sebak, cepat gelak! Yang herannya, kadang2 dalam sebak-sebak tu, boleh ketawa pulak...apa kata orang? ...nak cover line? Muahaha!!